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Recent Answers from Dr. Patentstein

posted Wednesday 26 of June 2013 by Arthur [patent filing]
A. You can always file a follow-on PCT on an improvement to your already filed application, provided that the invention is not yet pu... view

posted Sunday 16 of June 2013 by Jennifer [copyrights]
A. This is a grey area for which you definitely need face to face counsel with an intellectual property attorney, in order to receive... view

posted Thursday 13 of June 2013 by Jo [intellectual property]
A. If you're an independent inventor, the Examiner is obligated to help you with such questions. So, please call the Examiner and exp... view

posted Wednesday 5 of June 2013 by Brian [patent searches]
A. You have a patent clearance search done. Just the search may cost $1500. Then comes the analysis as to whether you're infringing. ... view

posted Monday 3 of June 2013 by Benjamin [ip litigation]
A. Yes, but the patent would be subject to attack for failing to name the true inventors, at least in countries where the correct nam... view

Answers By Topic

Dr Patentsteins' Tips
When you think you might have an invention with sales potential, immediately discuss the idea with a registered patent practitioner
Ensure you sketch all significant elements of your invention on paper, writing as much detail and comments regarding its' operation
After creating any descriptions or sketching your invention, ensure a witness (or even two) sign the paper to support your claim

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