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posted Sunday 4 of September 2011 by George
A. A patent for an invention is the grant of a property right to the inventor, issued by a national or regional patent office. Genera... view

posted Sunday 4 of September 2011 by Mattie
A. There are basically five types of patents or patent applications: Utility patents may be granted to anyone who invents or disc... view

posted Sunday 4 of September 2011 by Victoria
A. The national and regional patent laws specify the general field of subject matter that can be patented and the conditions under wh... view

posted Sunday 4 of September 2011 by Zoe
A. In order for an invention to be patentable it must be new as defined in the relevant patent law, which, taking the US as an exampl... view

posted Sunday 4 of September 2011 by Adam
A. Starting the Process Step 1: Is your invention patentable? Before you file for a patent, you should determine if your inven... view

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