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posted Tuesday 7 of June 2011 by Jermaine
A. A provisional patent is better referred to a provisional patent application, because provisional patents per se don't exist, meani... view

posted Monday 8 of August 2011 by Benjamin
A. Yes, if your combination is new, and would not be obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the field of the invention. Most inven... view

posted Monday 25 of June 2012 by Timothy
A. US patent litigation takes place before a federal court in the US, and prosecution is activity before the US patent office itself. view

posted Thursday 30 of August 2012 by Balaji
A. This is a very specific question. Nevertheless, I believe this has something to do whether the parent application is still pendin... view

posted Tuesday 19 of February 2013 by Edward
A. An assignment is a sale of all rights, and a license is akin to renting your rights, while you remain the owner. So, with an assi... view

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